Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Baton Rouge!

Matt and I took our 4th annual road trip down to Baton Rouge, LA this past weekend.
We desperately needed this trip and this time alone. We really had a fantastic time being with each other!
We got to Baton Rouge around 12:30 Saturday and Matt's request for lunch was Hooters. It was packed and there was purple and gold every where you looked!!
After lunch, we did a little shopping for us and the kids and then we headed to the hotel room for some rest before heading to campus.
We took a different way in to the stadium this year and it was beautiful! We had to circle around a lake and through the most adorable neighborhood and then down sorority row. We ended up parking where we did the first year. We were a lot closer to the stadium than we have been the last 2 times! Thank goodness! :)
We walked through the frat houses and looked at all of their homecoming decorations...this being my favorite. hahaha!! It was a goat that they had hooked up a hose pipe to and made it pee. It was priceless!

*Blackberry/walking away picture..sorry for the quality!*

We got there in plenty of time so we got to walk and not run through the crowd and I (to Matt's surprise) did amazingly well with the crowds. :) go me! And we had time to sight see a little bit. Everything about this campus is absolutely beautiful!!

We missed the band parade and the team coming through campus, but we also missed out on the major crowds so I was ok with it.

We also sat on the opposite side of the stadium from our norm. Instead of looking out at the Mississippi River, we were facing back towards the campus. This side of the stadium was amazing! They had elevators (the other side has escalators), these glass lookout spots (which I was unable to get too close to!), and we got chairbacks this year! YaY!

Welcome to Death Valley!!

We found out on the way down that we had a 30% chance of rain and it was cloudy most of the day so we were nervous about getting rained on in the cold! But in Tiger Stadium..the chance of rain is...Never!! If you looked up towards the lights at just the right time, you could see some sprinkles, but they never landed!! woohoo!
This chick..oh this chick! I crack up just looking at this picture! I'm convinced that her boyfriend was trying to get her drunk for his own gain, but I think it backfired! This was around the middle of the 1st quarter and she was out! She did rise again, but it didn't last long. ha!

We had a blast cheering on our Tigers to a 51-0 victory over ULM!! Can't wait for next year!! We are hoping to go to 2 games. First game of the season is at Cowboy Stadium in TX against Oregon and Matt has requested to go! And we can't miss out on our annual Homecoming game (and we are hoping to be able to take the kids next year!)

I am so thankful for my husband and the time that we get away together. I'm glad that we both have these interests and we are able to go and have fun doing the simplest things. Our relationship has really blossomed these last couple of months and my love for him has been overwhelming! (in a good way!)

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