Monday, February 28, 2011


These pictures were taken over the weekend with my regular camera on my phone and my "FX camera" on my phone...
Hope you enjoyed them!

Friday, February 25, 2011

chocolate and growing up

I'm not sure what this boy loves about chocolate..ok, who am I kidding, yes I do! He thinks he is supposed to have it first thing in the morning for breakfast and as soon as he gets home. He has learned which jar is the candy jar and I'm almost tempted to swap things up on him just to keep from hearing about "choksit". Although I must admit that it's pretty darn cute to hear him say it and even cuter to watch him eat it.
Exhibit A:
After I took this picture, he screamed for me to let him see it and as plain as day, he said "ew, dirty face". Yes sir, that is a dirty face, but it's one of the cutest dirty faces I have ever seen!
And how appropriate to follow up a post about chocolate with a post about this...
It's official....my baby girl is growing up. She has lost her first tooth. Although she's extremely excited and can't believe that the Tooth Fairy brought her the crispest one dollar bill she's ever seen, her mommy is not so excited. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for her, but things like this make me realize how quickly she is growing up (and it's THAT that I don't like).
I am, however, very proud of me and her both. She was terrified of having her tooth pulled and I had convinced myself that there was no way that I would be able to pull it. After she came in the bedroom complaining of awful pain, I told her that it wouldn't hurt near as bad to pull it as it did at that moment. And her daddy chirped in with the tooth fairy bringing money. At that point, she was all game. Mommy..not so much. I did like any good mother would do and hid my own fear and took to it like a champ. She is now the most precious snaggled tooth little girl. Well, that is next to her mother at that age...haha..I'm only kidding.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Joshua Mahlon Myers..

was born two years ago today. At 5:35 p.m. to be precise. He didn't wait near as long as Sammie, but that little boy sure didn't want to come out! Once they got me admitted, they did the ultrasound to see where he was....he was all the way up in my ribs. Almost like he was hiding and not wanting to let go of his mommy. =)
From the moment I saw him, I was in love. Even after months of fear of having a little boy. He still loves his mommy as much as he did when I was pregnant and doesn't like to let go of me. That's ok with me because it makes my heart smile. Even though it's only been two years, it seems like he has been part of our family forever.
This morning once he woke up, I did what I normally wouldn't do, but because it was his birthday....
he got a cupcake for breakfast!
Following suit from Sammie's birthday post, I will tell you a few things I love about this boy in a bullet post:
  • his blonde hair
  • those big blue eyes
  • those precious pouty lips
  • the closed eye, showing all his teeth smile (see above picture!)
  • his precious heart
  • the love he has for his mommy and daddy
  • the sweetness of his "love you, momma"
  • his big squeezes at bedtime and byebye time
  • how he gives me all of his kisses (each cheek, forehead, nose, chin, and lips)
  • watching him love on his 'sissy'
  • how mischievous he is (even if it does get him in trouble)
  • how he snorts when he laughs
  • how he loves for me to hold him like a baby and sing "rock a bye baby" and once it gets to the end of the song, I drop him on the bed like he's falling out of the tree
  • how he calls his hot dog, his "hot diggity dog"
  • how he loves to stand at the door and watch the garbage truck and every time he sees him he says, "oh wow"
  • he never wants to stop, but once he does, he's out
  • watching him play with Anheiser like he's bigger than him
  • watching him play with his Uncle John Morgan, who just happens to be 6 months YOUNGER than him. :)

There are so many more things about this boy that I could list, but I'll just let them soak in my mind and heart today (and every other day). I pray that Mahlon will grow up to be a strong, loving, independent, and Godly man. I wouldn't mind if he was a mixture of all the men in our lives.

Happy Birthday sweet Mahlon! I love you so much!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentine's Day

My husband and I completely suck at keeping surprises from each other. It's a problem that we've been trying to work on for the past 6 years, but it just doesn't seem to work.
I got my Valentine's present a whole week early. Sammie had helped her daddy pick out my present and bless her heart, she told her daddy that she was afraid she couldn't keep the secret any longer and that he needed to go ahead and give it to me. And I absolutely love it! I've always wanted him to get me something that I've just casually walked by and said "I love that"..you know, so that I know he was paying attention...well, he did it this time! =)

And after several weeks of racking my brain and searching for something good to give Matt for his gift, I remembered something that was coming up this weekend that we've both really been wanting to go do for years. So I paid for it and hadn't planned on telling him until we were parking at the BJCC that we were going, but I was afraid that he would eventually figure it out so I broke down and gave him his tickets to....

that's right..Brad Paisley! Along with Jerrod Neiman and Darius Rucker. And believe it or not, he actually showed some excitement about it! (*Not sure if it was because I warned him that he better show something* =) Nah, that couldn't be it) I have to admit that I am totally stoked about tomorrow night!

Our birthdays and anniversary are just around the corner so maybe we can keep what (if anything) we get each other a secret! Fingers crossed!


All day yesterday the weatherman kept telling me that we were going to get some snow. Of course, we've heard this all year and ended up with ice or too little snow to play in, so I didn't believe them.
About 8 o'clock, the snow started falling and around 9ish, there was enough on the ground to take the kids outside and let them play for a while. I'm sure that most of the kids in our neighborhood were in bed by then, but I knew how bad Sammie wanted to play in snow this year and I wasn't about to let what could be our only chance at it pass by.
We had snowball fights and Sammie made a snow angel. Mahlon loved being able to throw the snowballs this year, but that boy has a problem with his hands...they freeze way too easily. So, after about 30 or 45 minutes of hard core snow playing, we went inside to warm up and drink some hot chocolate daddy made us. I don't usually let the kids stay up until 10 or 10:30 on a "school night", but it was so worth it last night!
SNOW! (or "NO" as Mahlon calls it)
Our neigborhood is so pretty when it snows.
Sammie was definitely a happy camper.

I think Munch was pretty happy himself.

He WAS actually throwing a snowball, but he did stop and pose long enough for the picture. =)

Sammie's snow angel.

I absolutely adore this picture, but it's blurry.

hehe =)

Of course, I had to take my "grandaddy patton" pictures as I call them.

This was this morning around 6:30.

I do love the snow because it calms me, but I just wish it didn't have to be so dang cold for it! =)

Here's to spring, summer, and warmer weather!

Family Photos

I have this new app on my phone called the "fx camera", it's really cool. It lets you take pictures with several different options. You've got the toy camera (colors used below), the Polaroid, fishbowl (hilarious!), symmetrical, and the Warholizer. Needless to say, we've had some fun with this thing and we TRIED to take a good family picture.....
Me and Sunset took a pretty good picture.
He was struggling to hold his eyes open through the flash.
Sissy tried to butt in on our picture..he didn't like that.
We knew we were all making silly faces and I pulled Mahlon's cheek for the effect, but didn't realize Sammie was doing the same thing..ha
C'mon Mahlon, really?

This was our best shot..out of...20. And you wonder why we don't take family photos.

It was a lot of fun though.

*Snow pictures coming next!! =)*

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bad Notes

Does this face look like he could possibly be mean!? No, it doesnt. He looks absolutely precious and sweet right?
Well, take a look at the next one....
This is the REAL Mahlon. Ready to pounce on anything that makes him jealous. Seriously.
Last night while Matt and I were cleaning, I went to put away the kids lunchboxes and noticed a note in between them. I knew that I had already received their note about the Valentine's party and I knew that I still hadn't bought Kleenex for them, but that had only been a few days. As I pulled it out and noticed the "Behavioral Report" at the top, I thought 'oh goodness', but I let out a stern "MAHLON!". He came running, "huh? huh momma?" After thoroughly reading the report, I learned something that I already knew, Mahlon's jealous. Not only of his momma, but of anyone he cares about.
There's a little boy at daycare who is younger and of course, smaller than Mahlon. I thought they were getting along great from what Sammie would tell me. Should've known better. (Wonder if they'll cover for each other like this once they get older?? Lord, help me.) The note said that Mahlon had scratched the boys face and taken all of his toys. It didn't end there...it also said that Mahlon had colored all over the table, the chair, and the windows. Goodness gracious that boy!
This morning when I dropped them off, I asked the teacher about the whole situation. Apparently, Mahlon got the boy pretty good. She said he had two marks down his face. Poor baby. She also said that the mother of this boy had a total of 6 kids (Lord, help HER!) and was very understanding that things like this happen. Still didn't make me feel any better. I don't want to be known as the mother of the mean kid who torments their children!
The teacher also informed me that every time the little boy would come near her, Mahlon would pitch a fit and scream at her. He loves his teacher, but he wants to be the only one she loves. Kind of like he does with his momma and sissy.
Matt and I repeatedly told Mahlon last night that he had to be sweet to the little boy and not be mean. We are also telling him when he's being mean to sissy or anyone else that he needs to apologize and be a sweet boy. This morning as soon as he crawled in the bed with sissy, he slapped her. (seriously, Mahlon?! it's 7 o'clock!) I reprimanded him and told him he had to be a sweet boy. He curled up next to her, kissed her, hugged her, and said "Sorry sissy".
We're working on the stealing toys and respecting furniture and personal belongings as well, but I'm sure as with everything else that this will take time. But how much time??

Boys will be boys, I guess. *sigh*

Monday, February 7, 2011

hello world

Sorry I've been so absent lately! We've had a lot of things going on in our little world, but all is well and hopefully I will become a regular again! =) (*fingers crossed*)
I'm not even sure of where to begin!
We had Sammie's birthday party that was a success and she got lots of toys, money, and clothes that she loved. The favorite being her red cowgirl boots her Granny PattPatt got her. She wears them everyday, with everything.
We had Christmas with several sides of the family and enjoyed all the gifts we received as well as gave. I think it's safe to say that we started a new family tradition this year for Christmas Eve. We had dinner and gifts with my dad, stepmom, granny, and little brothers. It was so much fun and so nice to be with family. Santa was really good to the kids this year. =) And for the third year (right?) my mom spent the night with us on Christmas Eve. It's always fun to have my mom with us on Christmas morning, it makes it that much more special to all of us.
Mahlon's growing like a weed. He's starting to really repeat everything you say and his little personality is shining through like crazy. He's doing excellent with his sentences and as long as you're paying attention and trying to figure out what he's saying, you'll understand him. He loves to eat and he loves to eat ketchup. That's right. On anything. Last night he was dipping his tortilla chips in it. He's such a delight and so loving. And believe it or not, he'll be two in 10 days and is in desperate need of his first haircut!! ahhhh craziness.

See the little "alfalfa" spike in the back? that's his PONYTAIL!

Sammie is still as sweet as ever, sometimes. She's little miss independent for sure. Her personality is starting to break through more and more here lately, as well. She's very opinionated (the most when it comes to clothes). Just this morning I was trying to get her up and dressed and every shirt that I pulled out of her drawer was "ridiculous" or "oh my goodness awful". Needless to say, I am NOT looking forward to her teenage years. She's my little princess and I love her so much.
She's going to be playing softball this year! We are super excited!
Mason killed his first deer this year! Matt has been working so hard to find him the perfect place to hunt and on the last day of the season that Mason would get the chance to hunt, it paid off. We did have to walk the pine tree lanes for an hour or so, but we finally located her and the excitement on Matt's face and the giddiness that Mason had was priceless. Mason is growing up so fast and he's such a hoot. I love him and I love when it's our weekend and all of the kids get to be together. Granted it is a little hectic and loud and chaotic and messy and...well, I think you get the picture...it's absolutely wonderful to have all the babies together.

The rabbit was Matt's roadkill on the way home. Men...

Matt and I are back on track after a couple of "falling outs". Our love for each other has grown the last couple of weeks in ways that I never thought it could. We've both agreed that it feels like it did when we first got married. Simple, fun, adventurous, loving, peaceful, and there's more teamwork than there ever has been. Thank the Lord for bringing us through!

I think that it's unanimous that we are ready for Spring and Summer. All of this cold weather is getting to us! The kids love to be outside playing ball, riding bikes, and swimming, but Old Man Winter is really dragging this year. And to think we have more "winter precipitation" coming this week. Enough already! =) I'm ready for sunny days, THUNDERstorms (not just the quiet cold rain), crystal clear water, and screams and giggles of kids having fun. Are you with me!?
I do want to thank everybody that's been praying for my family and ask that you will continue to do so. We've been through many obstacles lately and still have some coming within our extended family. Just keep us in your prayers and I promise to do better with the updating! =)