Monday, February 7, 2011

hello world

Sorry I've been so absent lately! We've had a lot of things going on in our little world, but all is well and hopefully I will become a regular again! =) (*fingers crossed*)
I'm not even sure of where to begin!
We had Sammie's birthday party that was a success and she got lots of toys, money, and clothes that she loved. The favorite being her red cowgirl boots her Granny PattPatt got her. She wears them everyday, with everything.
We had Christmas with several sides of the family and enjoyed all the gifts we received as well as gave. I think it's safe to say that we started a new family tradition this year for Christmas Eve. We had dinner and gifts with my dad, stepmom, granny, and little brothers. It was so much fun and so nice to be with family. Santa was really good to the kids this year. =) And for the third year (right?) my mom spent the night with us on Christmas Eve. It's always fun to have my mom with us on Christmas morning, it makes it that much more special to all of us.
Mahlon's growing like a weed. He's starting to really repeat everything you say and his little personality is shining through like crazy. He's doing excellent with his sentences and as long as you're paying attention and trying to figure out what he's saying, you'll understand him. He loves to eat and he loves to eat ketchup. That's right. On anything. Last night he was dipping his tortilla chips in it. He's such a delight and so loving. And believe it or not, he'll be two in 10 days and is in desperate need of his first haircut!! ahhhh craziness.

See the little "alfalfa" spike in the back? that's his PONYTAIL!

Sammie is still as sweet as ever, sometimes. She's little miss independent for sure. Her personality is starting to break through more and more here lately, as well. She's very opinionated (the most when it comes to clothes). Just this morning I was trying to get her up and dressed and every shirt that I pulled out of her drawer was "ridiculous" or "oh my goodness awful". Needless to say, I am NOT looking forward to her teenage years. She's my little princess and I love her so much.
She's going to be playing softball this year! We are super excited!
Mason killed his first deer this year! Matt has been working so hard to find him the perfect place to hunt and on the last day of the season that Mason would get the chance to hunt, it paid off. We did have to walk the pine tree lanes for an hour or so, but we finally located her and the excitement on Matt's face and the giddiness that Mason had was priceless. Mason is growing up so fast and he's such a hoot. I love him and I love when it's our weekend and all of the kids get to be together. Granted it is a little hectic and loud and chaotic and messy and...well, I think you get the picture...it's absolutely wonderful to have all the babies together.

The rabbit was Matt's roadkill on the way home. Men...

Matt and I are back on track after a couple of "falling outs". Our love for each other has grown the last couple of weeks in ways that I never thought it could. We've both agreed that it feels like it did when we first got married. Simple, fun, adventurous, loving, peaceful, and there's more teamwork than there ever has been. Thank the Lord for bringing us through!

I think that it's unanimous that we are ready for Spring and Summer. All of this cold weather is getting to us! The kids love to be outside playing ball, riding bikes, and swimming, but Old Man Winter is really dragging this year. And to think we have more "winter precipitation" coming this week. Enough already! =) I'm ready for sunny days, THUNDERstorms (not just the quiet cold rain), crystal clear water, and screams and giggles of kids having fun. Are you with me!?
I do want to thank everybody that's been praying for my family and ask that you will continue to do so. We've been through many obstacles lately and still have some coming within our extended family. Just keep us in your prayers and I promise to do better with the updating! =)

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