Thursday, February 10, 2011


All day yesterday the weatherman kept telling me that we were going to get some snow. Of course, we've heard this all year and ended up with ice or too little snow to play in, so I didn't believe them.
About 8 o'clock, the snow started falling and around 9ish, there was enough on the ground to take the kids outside and let them play for a while. I'm sure that most of the kids in our neighborhood were in bed by then, but I knew how bad Sammie wanted to play in snow this year and I wasn't about to let what could be our only chance at it pass by.
We had snowball fights and Sammie made a snow angel. Mahlon loved being able to throw the snowballs this year, but that boy has a problem with his hands...they freeze way too easily. So, after about 30 or 45 minutes of hard core snow playing, we went inside to warm up and drink some hot chocolate daddy made us. I don't usually let the kids stay up until 10 or 10:30 on a "school night", but it was so worth it last night!
SNOW! (or "NO" as Mahlon calls it)
Our neigborhood is so pretty when it snows.
Sammie was definitely a happy camper.

I think Munch was pretty happy himself.

He WAS actually throwing a snowball, but he did stop and pose long enough for the picture. =)

Sammie's snow angel.

I absolutely adore this picture, but it's blurry.

hehe =)

Of course, I had to take my "grandaddy patton" pictures as I call them.

This was this morning around 6:30.

I do love the snow because it calms me, but I just wish it didn't have to be so dang cold for it! =)

Here's to spring, summer, and warmer weather!

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