Friday, February 25, 2011

chocolate and growing up

I'm not sure what this boy loves about chocolate..ok, who am I kidding, yes I do! He thinks he is supposed to have it first thing in the morning for breakfast and as soon as he gets home. He has learned which jar is the candy jar and I'm almost tempted to swap things up on him just to keep from hearing about "choksit". Although I must admit that it's pretty darn cute to hear him say it and even cuter to watch him eat it.
Exhibit A:
After I took this picture, he screamed for me to let him see it and as plain as day, he said "ew, dirty face". Yes sir, that is a dirty face, but it's one of the cutest dirty faces I have ever seen!
And how appropriate to follow up a post about chocolate with a post about this...
It's official....my baby girl is growing up. She has lost her first tooth. Although she's extremely excited and can't believe that the Tooth Fairy brought her the crispest one dollar bill she's ever seen, her mommy is not so excited. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for her, but things like this make me realize how quickly she is growing up (and it's THAT that I don't like).
I am, however, very proud of me and her both. She was terrified of having her tooth pulled and I had convinced myself that there was no way that I would be able to pull it. After she came in the bedroom complaining of awful pain, I told her that it wouldn't hurt near as bad to pull it as it did at that moment. And her daddy chirped in with the tooth fairy bringing money. At that point, she was all game. Mommy..not so much. I did like any good mother would do and hid my own fear and took to it like a champ. She is now the most precious snaggled tooth little girl. Well, that is next to her mother at that age...haha..I'm only kidding.

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