Friday, March 25, 2011

Stories in a picture..

I am one of those people that absolutely loves photography.  I not only want to find the beauty in something and capture it forever, I want to find the story in it as well.

With some of the things that I am going through with my life, I have become more alert about things going on around me and am reading more into things than I would normally.  I have noticed that I am beginning to see the stories in things and have even began applying them to my own life.

For example:

                                                                     Photo courtesy of the awesome Kim Jones.

Kimmie took this photo on a recent trip to Gatlinburg and while she joked about not being able to get the couple out of her shot, I found a story in the couple being there. 

Maybe the Lord did this on purpose.... 

maybe not...

but I like to think that He did.

The story that I see in this photograph is that the couple has broken through the fence from being friends to becoming newly united (dating or married, it doesn't matter).  

There they stand in the open field of life. 

Smooth sailing for a while and then they hit the mountains...

My mind only wonders what they would be like on the other side of all of those mountains.

Will they make it across the steep points into the valleys feeling as if it was all over just to climb another mountain.  Will they tire of having to climb all of these mountains and will they tire of having all of the emotions of feeling like everything is smooth and then it's not.  Or will they be happy having to fight for their relationship.  Will they, in the end, make it?

I encourage you to not only see the beauty in a wonderful picture, but search for that story as well.

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