Thursday, March 17, 2011

to my mommie...

I miss you.

I don't know what triggered them, but I just had a flood of memories that made me really miss my time with my mommie. 

I have special memories from my childhood through now that I cherish with her, but I am talking specifically about our time we had about 6 years ago when it was just me and her living together.  My brother was living with us too, when he was home on leave, but most of the time, it was just me and her and I miss those days.

I miss going to the store with her.  I miss driving down to Downey Drugs and having lunch with her just because I wanted to.  I miss our Friday night dinners we had together at Logan's, Top O The River (remember the night that waiter hit on you? :)), and Jefferson's.  I miss her waking me up in the mornings for school.  I miss her being there when I got home in the evenings...ok, sometimes in the middle of the night :).  I miss sharing her makeup, deodorant, toothpaste, and shampoo. Yes, I miss the little things.

And as I'm getting ready to take Sammie on our first ever girls trip to the beach, I am missing our trip that we took to Panama City Beach for the 4th of July in 2005.  Her sisters and their families were already down there and we drove down, just the two of us (well, 3 if you count Sammie in my belly), and met them.  We had talks, we told jokes and laughed, she drove while I slept, and we enjoyed the company.

I guess I just miss being the daughter.  I am still her daughter and forever will be, but now I am much more than that.

I am a mother..

a wife..

a provider..

and the sharer of makeup, deodorant, toothpaste, and shampoo.. 

I do not wish my children's lives away, but I do admit that I look forward to Sammie getting older and being able to do the things that I loved doing with my mom.

I love you so much mommie.  I miss you and am looking forward to another weekend with my family and Grammie. :)


  1. Sarah, I love your blog. You are a great writer. It's nice to catch up on all your family's day to day adventures, being so far apart and only seeing each other 2X a year makes it hard to catch up on each others lives. This is pretty cool.

  2. Thank you, Kristi! I enjoy it and it is somewhat of a release for me.
