Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Operation Home Improvement

We are finally under way! We have so many projects on our "to-do" and "to re-do" lists, but we are slowly but surely marking them off!!
I started really crossing things off a couple of months ago when I re-painted and put up a new light fixture in the hall bath, but over the weekend I got even more done! I took on our bedroom bath! As you may remember, my husband, my neighbor, and a friend of ours put in a new floor and I'm in love! In order for the floor to lay just right, we had to take the door off and we decided that we like it much better without the door. Upon painting, I knew that I wanted it to match the bedroom, so it would "enlarge the room" so to say. Half of the wall is tile and I painted that part brown (to match the rustic wood paneling in the bedroom) and the other half of the wall is a moss green...this with our light wood floor looks amazing! Sammie and I made a trip to Wal-Mart last night in search of a new mirror..no luck there..but we did come across this beautiful light fixture. It's a tuscan bronze wall mount...one of those with the three hanging lights.. oh, how I love it! Once I find my mirror, I can cross that ROOM off my list completely!!!
In our bedroom, I've been wanting to decorate. Right now, there's really no "style" in there, just things put places. Yesterday on my lunch break, I took a trip to Burke's (in search of a mirror for the bathroom..ha) and found two green candles and two brown funky tea light holders. I got all four of them for $10! I alternated them on the shelves of our dresser and talked Matt into throwing everything away that he didn't need or use everyday. It already looks so much better!! Only a few more things to do in there and I'll be happy.
I'm trying to get my energy up to paint the laundry room. I don't want to do anything drastic because it IS the laundry room, but I'm tired of looking at white walls and place where my husband "yanked" a cabinet off of one wall just to place it on the other side of the room...so that he could fit a freezer in there.. men! I'm planning on painting it a khaki color with a little bit of brown, red, and light blue accent...hopefully it'll be as pretty as I'm imagining!
Annnnnd...drum roll please...we got our quote on the roofing and siding last night!!! We are very pleased with the price and the amount of time he is expecting to take!! Wooooohoooo!! I know that it's kind of ridiculous how excited I am, but hey..it's going to look like a whole new house! I promise to post before, in the process, and after pictures!!!
So, in preparation for them to begin work, Matt decided to cut down ALL of the trees, bushes, shrubs, etc. that were left around the house. He did this while Sammie and I were gone to Wal-Mart and I fully expected him to still be working on the same side of the house when I got back 45 minutes later, but noooo..he was done!! My kids are strange in the way that they love to help take the twigs to the road....here's proof....

This isn't illegal, is it?

Sorry they're blurry..I took them with my phone!

Here's to finishing most (if not all) of our projects THIS year!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't figure out why it won't let me separate some of my paragraphs!!! help?!!
